Senior Services

Enrich your life and maintain your health

If 40 is the new 30, then 60 is the new 50. Regardless of age, Parkview offers you services and information to stay healthy and vital. We offer clubs for seniors that provide health and wellness opportunities, activities geared to specific interests and more. And when health problems arise, Parkview also offers services specific to the medical needs of aging adults.

Parkview Seniors Clubs

You’re over 50. You’re taking good care of yourself. You get your annual check-ups. You walk several times a week and you’re trying to eat right. But you’re also looking for more information about health, nutrition and exercise. Answers to your questions. Advice from experts. Maybe even some additional social activities so you can meet new people. You might want to look into becoming a member of the Parkview Seniors Club nearest you.

Parkview BridgeWays

Mental health issues require specialized care. That’s particularly the case for older adults who have other medical needs complicating their situation. For these older adults, especially people suffering the effects of dementia, there is help at Parkview BridgeWays. This special facility inside Parkview Hospital Randallia offers a lifeline for individuals and families who are struggling. Learn about the intensive inpatient services, therapies and more provided at BridgeWays by Parkview Behavioral Health professionals.