PPG - Mind-Body Medicine

A methodical treatment approach with personalized medicine strategies

Who We Are

An individual considering mental health treatment often feels more apprehensive, embarrassed and vulnerable compared to a person seeking treatment for other medical conditions. A thorough diagnostic assessment followed by treatment considerations should be completed in a sensitive and empathetic manner with the clinician, who serves as a consultant and directs treatment to allow the patient achieve identified goals and aspirations. Our providers treat “mental health” conditions as medical conditions, addressing and monitoring whole body consequences of conditions such as mood and anxiety disorders. As the name of the clinic implies, our focus of treatment is on achieving wellness and striving toward individual capabilities rather than progressing toward disability. 

We are a medical outpatient facility specializing in psychiatry where the goal is the achievement of wellness. Mental health wellness is achieved when an individual can be free of emotional or cognitive obstacles that limit his or her abilities to accomplish goals, dreams and aspirations. 


Keep reading to learn what you can expect as a patient of PPG – Mind-Body Medicine.

Diagnostic Evaluations

At PPG – Mind-Body Medicine, your first visit will be an urgent new patient evaluation with a nurse practitioner or a diagnostic evaluation with the psychiatrist, usually conducted over the course of 1-2 hours. Prior to your appointment, you will be asked to complete a general symptom checklist that will allow us to focus our attention on the appropriate symptoms that you have been experiencing. Additionally, you will receive “outcome metrics scales” that will allow us to numerically score the severity of disturbances in your mood, anxiety, concentration and everyday activities. A review of your general health will also be assessed. At the time of your appointment, a medical assistant (MA) or nurse will measure your blood pressure, heart rate, weight and height. The MA or nurse will begin the diagnostic interview using specific rating scales and algorithms that were customized by psychiatrist Jay Fawver, MD to review your symptoms.

We typically welcome input from family members who may be able to provide valuable perspectives on your progression of symptoms as well as assist you in recalling various family members who had similar symptoms and their results of treatment. Your overall medical history and current medications will be documented, including any use of alcohol, marijuana or other substances that may affect your treatment outcomes. Additionally, we will discuss past psychiatric medication treatments and your assessment of their effectiveness. Social stressors will be assessed and referrals for community counselors are often encouraged. Genetic testing is often offered to allow more precision in determining medication treatment options. Following this preliminary assessment, the clinician will sit down with you to further discuss specific information gathered during testing. You and your clinician will discuss your medication treatment options and work together to ensure that your plan is right for you. This initial diagnostic assessment, although tedious, provides a valuable foundation for your course of medication treatment.

Medication Reviews

Medication reviews are provided using a shared, collaborative team approach, which includes the front office staff, medical assistants, nurses and nurse practitioners, all under the direction of our psychiatrist, Jay Fawver, MD. At a follow-up medication review, the front office staff will process the results of your outcome metrics, which score your recovery with mood, anxiety, concentration and everyday functioning. You will also be asked to complete a side effect and general health assessment. The MA or nurse will weigh you and obtain your blood pressure and heart rate to determine any measurements that may affect your treatment. We will also review your current medications and briefly discuss your treatment progress. A nurse practitioner will then join you to further discuss possible drug interactions, past medication treatment history and your genetic profile (if available). Potential medication side effects will be discussed and your treatment goals will be reviewed. Medication treatment adjustments may be suggested, balancing the benefits vs. side effects of any options.

Counseling with a therapist in the community could be recommended and encouraged if you are dealing with issues in your life that may contribute to your symptoms and/or compromise the benefits of medication treatment. Our ultimate goal of medication treatment is full recovery of wellness, which is typically confirmed by improved outcome metrics scores and acknowledgement by friends and family who know you best.

Genetic Testing

PPG – Mind-Body Medicine has completed psychiatric genetic testing in thousands of patients since our testing procedure began in 2016. Although this technology is relatively new and not diagnostic for specific conditions, it has guided our clinicians in determining medications, nutritional supplements, and lifestyle recommendations associated with your unique genetic profile. Using a genetic testing treatment algorithm created by Dr. Fawver, our clinicians examine the patters and combinations of genetic profiles that guide us toward the right medication at the right dosage for the individual. A copy of your unchanging genetic testing results will be provided to you for future reference, as they may be utilized by other medical professionals throughout your lifetime.

Conditions & Treatments

PPG – Mind-Body Medicine provides medication treatment for mood, anxiety and cognitive conditions like depression, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, social anxiety, traumatic brain injury and attention deficit disorder, while promoting abstinence from common means of self-medication such as alcohol, marijuana and other substances. Our personalized medical approach considers your historical background, past treatment responses, family history of treatment responses and your individual goals. We use genetic testing for additional guidance in determining the medication type and dosage to best meet your unique needs. The recovery treatment model aims to help you reach your full potential while limiting disability from any psychiatric condition or from medication side effects. Various general medical conditions that impact psychiatric symptoms are identified, addressed and/or monitored, including diabetes, thyroid conditions, gastrointestinal issues, dietary intolerances, hypertension, menopause, sleep apnea, obesity, pain syndromes and fibromyalgia. Medication treatment options are based on a systematic diagnostic evaluation, genetic testing results, your specific treatment goals and the monitoring of your treatment progress using outcome metrics scales that numerically rate the improvement in your mood, anxiety, concentration and everyday functioning. Your general health status and evidence of medication side effects will be assessed at each visit. Recognizing the impact of your past life experiences, lifestyle, coping abilities and current life stressors, PPG – Mind-Body Medicine readily encourages and supports your pursuit of counseling with a therapist in your community. Once established as a patient, our mission is to provide:

  • Prompt interventions for your treatment needs
  • Psychopharmacological management
  • Personalized medicine strategies
  • Precision tools to support a productive lifestyle


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